Follow Our “LEAD”

A comprehensive learning ecosystem providing the freedom to LEARN online as well as offline with real time evaluation.#Available in Classroom
#Knowledge reinforcements
#On the job training formats
#Blended Learning

Proven track record to ENABLE enterprises, to upgrade skill levels and bring them up to speed in various areas.#Induction
#On boarding
#Training events

A flexible system to ASSESS skills and knowledge, backed by incisive analytics for continuous improvement.
#Insights on training
#Training effectiveness
#Measure & communicate progress
#Action Learning

DEVELOP competencies, Improve performance & increase productivity leading to business impact.#Through peer learning
#Knowledge sharing
#Just in time feedback
#Reinforce new behavior
#Enhance performance
Class Room Training
Traditional classroom training enabled with real time
assessment to measure knowledge gain.Info Nugget
Publish multimedia content and assessment questions which can be multilingual across devices to reinforce knowledge.
Real – time certification of users as they progress through
the blended learning interventionsGamifications
Inspire learning and induce engagement through Gamification
Leadership Speak
Multimedia messages from leaders, broadcast to all or defined users.Users can respond with likes and comments
Ask Expert
Seek expert’s help for insights on products, processes, situation handling and self development.
Offisocio (Official Social Network)
An enterprise social networking platform which enables people to share views, experience and ideas in a governed environment
On the Job Training
Observe & rate behavioral changes with comments and evidence of identified personnel by the coach
Feedback and Survey
Check-in with employees for structured feedback on product, process, training, company campaigns, customers & employee matters
Intelligent Learning
Access mandatory, nominated and recommended courses for individual development.
Reports And Dashboard
The solution enables the release of standard and custom reports. The reports are segregated for use as per accesses & hierarchy. Dashboards depicting the spread of various parameters and metrics are displayed on real time basis
Insights And Analytics
The practitioner wisdom of the team is seen in co-creating insightful analytical reports to help organizations take informed decisions